Five Wheels for the Cure!

Zoe has wanted to make this a charity ride for some time.  We kicked around a bunch of possibilitiesIMG_2042s but nothing really stuck.  Then we learned that her Aunt Muffy (aka Kellie), Lisa’s sister, has breast cancer and the choice was obvious.  Kellie (you’ll have to ask her about the Muffy name) is a 41 year old mother of two great kids, Turner and Courtney.  She was diagnosed with Ductile Carcinoma and has already undergone a mastectomy.  She is about to begin chemotherapy and eventually radiation treatment.  In the picture below, Turner is showing his solidarity with his mom and the anticipated side effects of the upcoming treatment.  When Lisa shaves her head I’ll post the picture here.  For my head, there’s not much more I can do…

Given the currently modest reach of this blog we’ll go with a similarly modest goal of $1000.   When the ride is over in August we’ll pick a Boise chapter of a breast cancer non- profit organization and donate 100% of the proceeds to it.  I’ll announce the charity we pick here.

To make a pledge, just leave a comment here.   Make sure I have your email address–  if you leave it in the comment form it will be visible only to me. You can pledge by the mile, a single amount, or any other way you want.  Keep in mind our goal for the ride is 5,000 miles and our current route is around 5300 miles so calculate accordingly.  I’ll use 5000 miles for planning purposes and will not include side trips or horribly botched navigation in the mileage calculation.

Here are some pictures of the family.  Kellie’s husband Darin is pictured at the bottom.  Darin created the business cards for our ride—Thanks!

















1 December, 2012

At long last, we’ve decided where to donate the money Zoe raised to fight breast cancer.  Our original intent was to find a research-oriented program, but when we came across the Mountain States Tumor Institute, Zoe thought this was the best use of the money.  They have a compelling mission that directly benefits women in Idaho.  It is operated by St. Luke’s Health Foundation here in Boise.  Here is some information about the program:

Mountain States Tumor Institute (MSTI) is a very special place where thousands of adults and children benefit from the remarkable range of medical services and treatment available at our cancer clinics. With increased need for financial assistance to obtain a mammogram, this funding is more important than ever before. This fund saves lives.

I want to share the words of one woman who has benefited from the generosity of those who have contributed to this fund.  “Thank you!!  For the gift of peace of mind and body. First of all, it is very scary to hear you have breast cancer, but it is also scary to lose your job and your health insurance a few years after you are diagnosed and you can’t find the cash for your check-up mammogram. Thank you for providing me the calm assurance that I can make a few more months with a clean bill of health. Thank you to people and programs that provide these life saving, peace giving, love extending diagnostics. When I get back on my feet again I will provide the gift to someone also. Thank you for the tender break.”

Here is another thank you from a grateful patient: “I want to thank everyone involved with the St. Luke’s Breast Care Services for the wonderful service they provide. I was reluctant to undergo this mammogram due to cost and fear of the outcome. I survive on $751 social security a month and knew I couldn’t afford the procedure nor the follow-up if there was ‘something’.  St. Luke’s stepped up and allowed me to have the mammogram without cost and I appreciate that! Everyone I dealt with treated me with kindness and respect. Thank you all”.

We’re now in the process of gathering the pledged donations, close to $2500!  If you made a pledge here, I’ll contact you via email with instructions on where to route the money, either to Zoe or directly to the program.  Either way, all the donations will go to the MSTI program as one lump sum coming from Zoe.  They’re planning to print one of those big checks that Zoe can present to them. 

Thanks to everyone who pledged!

44 thoughts on “Five Wheels for the Cure!

  1. Bikes away, wheels up, and keep on truckin! Good luck and good times, Kurt and Zoe. Brad and I will donate $50. I think that translates to about a penny a mile. But, it’s the thought that counts, right?


  2. Kurt, since we lost Steve’s mom and sister in law to breast cancer, we are certainly in. Put us down for $100. Good luck on the big ride, we are with you every step of the way (turn of the wheel? Circle of the pedal? What’s the right metaphor here?) and we will see you in Kansas! Love, Joni, Steve and Hannah.


    • I think the correct metaphor may be “squeak of the trike”– we’re hearing all kinds of strange sounds. I blame the salt air. But everything is running great. Thanks for the donation!


  3. aahh … Zoe, Kurt,

    What I get out of your ride is (approximately) 5331*2 people-miles of inspiration for every lazy morning I have PLUS an endless stream of great stories (and as an engineer, a stream of any length of great stories is a godsend to both me and the people standing around me as I guzzle a beer) PLUS the satisfaction of making a donation to a good cause that comes with a warm personal connection to it.

    That is:
    MILEs * (Z + K) + (G.S.)^2 + (Good Cause) = extraordinarlily large number

    To paraphrase a tall lanky dude who did some way awesome stuff: “I cannot dedicate — I cannot consecrate — I cannot hallow these freebies from Zoe and Kurt. They have consecrated them way past my poor power to add or detract.” Recognizing I’m too cheap to try to balance that equation, I’d still like to pledge $250 and live with my noisy conscience beyond that.



  4. Thank you Mark Henninger for your donation of $100. I really appreciate it and I know Zoe will too. She’s really dedicated to this cause.



  5. Loved your visit. Hope all is going smoothly. I want to pledge $100 to your cause. Janet, my friend who is valiantly fighting breast cancer, wants to pledge, too. I am sending her your blog address so she can follow your trip if she chooses to do so as well as make a pledge.


    • Thanks Katha! I have your pledge and will follow up when we complete the ride. Janet can leave her pledge in the comments here as well. We’ll find a good research-oriented organization in Boise when we return and donate to it. It was great fun catching up with you in Manhattan!


  6. Inspired by your journey and Zoe’s commitment to the cause. On behalf of the Howe family and in tribute to my dad, who would have thought you were crazy….but would have loved hearing all about your trip….I pledge $100. Saying a prayer for Aunt Muffy!


  7. Well, since you both made it past Kansas, I guess you’ve earned a donation. Count the Gustafsons in for $100.


  8. Hi Kurt this is Betsy and Tim Shults from NY! We are Maddy’s parents. We’d like to donate $50.00.

    We are so happy you all met eachother!


  9. Looks like you are closing in on my home state, NJ. And we will both be there at the same time…me lounging on the beach at the shore while you pedal past. I’ll wave to you in my mind. Congrats on such an amazing adventure. Count me in for $25.


  10. Hi Kurt and Zoe,

    I met you during my ride today, the two of you were eating lunch at a small convenience stort off of Falls Road near Butler MD. Again what you’re doing is most impressive.

    My family and I wish you all the best in your adventure and we wish to pledge $100 to your important cause. Cheers and safe riding!

    Best wishes
    Paul and Marcia


  11. Dear Kurt & Zoe:

    My name is Gordon and I had the privilege of meeting you
    yesterday on the NCR Trail in Parkton, MD. I am amazed at your story
    and journey. I’d like to make a donation of $250. Could you kindly
    advise how you’d like me to send it. All the best for your finish in
    NYC and return trip to Boise. So glad we met!


  12. Pingback: Five Wheels for the Cure | TransAmerican Trike Adventure 2012

  13. Hey, congratulations to the two of you! I am so proud talking about this big adventure of yours, and want to pledge $50 to the cause and your accomplishments! We missed you in VT!

    Love Katelyn


  14. Pingback: Five Wheels for the Cure! | TransAmerican Trike Adventure 2012

  15. Thanks to some late-breaking donations:
    EllenM $50
    Joanna and Marvin $200
    Paul & Heather $50
    MarkZ $160
    KatyC $80

    We’ll kick in $145 to make the final tally an even $3,000! We expect to donate this to the St. Luke’s Health Foundation soon, possibly before Christmas but most likely in early January.


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